Biba Healthy Restaurant Program
Making Healthy Choices Easier

Biba Core Requirements
These are the core requirements that all Biba restaurants need to follow. If it seems daunting, don't worry! Biba support staff are here to help your business every step of the way. We have lots of great ideas and want to help your business succeed.
Offer at least two (or 1/3 of menu, whichever is fewer) entrées or meals that meet the regular meal criteria for Biba entrees, and label these with the Biba logo on the menu. Only substitute nutritionally similar ingredients when necessary (e.g. kang kung for bok choy).
Offer at least two (or 1/3 of side dishes, whichever is fewer), side dishes meet the side dish criteria for Biba side dishes, and label these with the Biba logo on the menu. Only substitute nutritionally similar ingredients when necessary (e.g. kang kung for bok choy). One of these side dishes is offered as the default side dish for all combo meals or meals that include a side dish, but customers may have the option of requesting an alternative side dish.
If offering a separate “children’s menu”, at least two (or 1/3 of meals offered) meet the children’s meal criteria for Biba children’s meals. If no “children’s menu” is provided, offer half portions of the Biba entrees or meals.
Meet the following guidelines for beverages:
Water is offered at no charge to all customers. (For counter-service restaurants, water should be provided in a self-service area. For table-service restaurants, water can be served at the table by the server.).
If the restaurant offers soda or other sweetened beverages in single servings, the serving size of 12 ounces or smaller is used as the default serving size.
Provide a 100-percent smoke-free environment, including the area within 25 feet of outdoor eating areas.
Make the BIBA factsheet about project standards available to customers. This factsheet will be provided by the Biba Healthy Restaurant Program.
Remove all high-sodium condiments and sweeteners from the table including soy sauce, salt shakers and sugar packets. These items may be made available upon customer request.
Not charge customers extra or prohibit customers from splitting a meal.
Allow “BIBA” program staff to collect data and customer feedback on the healthy menu changes.
Choose one additional commitment to health.
How to Apply

Download the application below

Fill it out or email us to set up an in-person meeting for assistance

Save and email it to us at bibamenu@gmail.com